Portfolio for National Folk Fellowship

Music Video

Live Performance Video

The Gathering Wool is the latest Broken Creek music video and is an example of the kind of video I would create as part of the Sally Sloane Project. This video tells the story of the continuing but changing shearing practices of Erin’s family farm. It achieves this by incorporating historic photos taken on the farm, alongside contemporary performance footage. A similar approach could be used using a mix of archival footage from the National Library Collection and contemporary footage of the Wyuna Bushdance to demonstrate the continuing but changing practice of country dancing. 

Live performance video of the Broken Creek arrangement of ‘Wild Mountain Thyme’ to demonstrates the dynamic performance and interpretation of traditional music by Broken Creek. This arrangement includes their original tune ‘Kendall’s Waltz’ which was written in the style of traditional Australian bushdance waltzes. 

Recording of a traditional folk arrangement: ‘Broomfield Hill’

A recording of ‘Broomfield Hill’ from Broken Creek’s album ‘Small Town Anthropologies’ that show one of the approaches Broken Creek used in creating new arrangements of traditional songs. They first sourced lyrics of the original Child ballad, subsequent versions and rewrote their own to explore what the traditional song had in common with the contemporary #metoo movement. They composed an original melody and tune to set the rewritten lyrics.   

Example of ‘Zine’

An excerpt from the Zine that accompanied the release of ‘Broomfield Hill’. It’s an example of how lyrics, maps, quotes from academic papers, notation and personal storytelling can come together to give an audience different access points to a work. This was created for a broad audience of Broken Creek fans, a version created for the Sally Sloane project would include multiple access points with a more rigorous reference system.